This spring break, a group of adventurous students from Chagrin Falls High School embarked on an extraordinary cultural immersion journey to Sevilla, España. Led by teachers Lisa Fetterman and Laurie Walsh, these young explorers experienced the richness of Spanish life through a homestay program offered by Centro Mundolengua.
The trip began with a taste of modern art at the renowned Museo de la Reina Sofía in Madrid, before the students hopped on a high-speed train to meet their host families in the captivating city of Sevilla. There, they were fully immersed in the local culture, attending language classes, participating in a ceramics workshop, and even mastering the art of paella-making in a traditional Spanish cooking class.
Beyond the culinary delights, the students were treated to a mesmerizing Flamenco show and witnessed the powerful processions of the Spanish Holy Week celebrations. Their adventurous spirits took them on day trips to the charming town of Tavira in Portugal, and the picturesque Rock of Gibraltar, where they marveled at the breathtaking views and playful monkeys.
In Basilippo, the group learned the intricacies of olive oil manufacturing, exploring the ancient olive groves and indulging in delectable snacks infused with the region's award-winning oils. The trip culminated with a visit to the stunning Real Alcázar palace and a climb to the top of the iconic Giralda bell tower, offering panoramic views of the majestic cathedral in Sevilla.
Mia Beavers, Claire Hoelzel, Audrey Holmes, Molly Macioch, Eveleen Malley, Renner Matta, Jack Medhurst, Grace Mossad, Luke Mitchell, Andrew Strawn, Mackenzie Verderber, Margaux Verdier, Alexis Weber, and Natalie Zalud were among the fortunate students who experienced this unforgettable journey, returning home with a deeper appreciation for Spanish culture and lifelong memories.