Reader’s Theater and Poetry with our Buddy Class! #thisischagrin
Teaching classmates about their research and connections during a small share class day was a lot of fun! ❄️🌊🌀💨🌪Thanks Mrs. Sawicki for sharing!
Take a moment to read about all the wonderful happenings with our orchestra program in the November issue of "Orchestra Notes!"
Thanks @CVC_Athletics Beachwood for hosting the CVC Leadership Workshop Today!!!
Egyptian social class slots were AMAZING!
So much fun at buddy art at Gurney today!
Prepping for their Tsumani team presentation on Monday! 🌀🌊
As part of American Education Week, the National Education Association has designated today as Substitute Educators Day! Make a difference and become a sub for Chagrin Falls Schools! More info here:
Tomorrow is the last day! The Chagrin Falls High School (CFHS) Interact Club is sponsoring a gift card collection to support the Geauga County Jobs and Family Services Holiday food drive. In past years, the club has collected canned food donations for the drive to feed families in need.
This year, the club will collect gift cards for Giant Eagle, Aldi, and monetary donations to support families who will face food insecurity during the holidays. Cards and donations will be accepted through November 18. High school students can bring donations to a box in the main office or to their homeroom teachers. The top two homerooms with the highest donations will win a free beverage and food item from Tiger Perk.
Checks should be made out to “Special Services of Geauga County” with “food for the holidays” in the memo line. While donations are accepted at the CFHS main office, they can also be mailed to Karen Sindelar at Interact Club Food Drive, 400 East Washington St., Chagrin Falls, Ohio 44022.
For more information, visit or email
It's Family Literacy Month! Reading books together with our families can be one of our most memorable memories together! #ThisIsChagrin #WriteTheStory
Here is the link to the Board of Education meeting.
Our high school students and the photography department are collecting old, unused 35mm cameras. Cameras can be dropped off at the high school office to Ms. Serazin!
Fourth grade weather research teams at CFIS...activate! 🌪❄️⛈️🌀⚡️ #ThisIsChagrin #WriteTheStory
It's American Education Week...Thank you educators & staff at Chagrin Falls Schools who help students reach their maximum potential & strive to advance academic excellence with a learner- and learning-centered experience. #ThisIsChagrin #WriteTheStory #aew2022
Sixth graders thanks veterans...You allow us to write our story! We are so grateful. #ThisIsChagrin #WriteTheStory
Chagrin Falls Schools thanks all our veterans for their service to our country. #ThisIsChagrin #WriteTheStory
Our High School Fall Play, Space Girl, is about to debut. Super excited to see our talented students perform.
Awesome experience for Gurney STEM students who built a mini-golf course and physical education students who got to play the course! Hoping for a hole-in-one! #ThisIsChagrin #WriteTheStory
These marvelous mathematicians found 2D and 3D shapes in the Gurney Garden! #CFEVS #ThisIsChagrin #WriteTheStory
Our second shift custodial teams representing each school completed training & certification this afternoon on Heart Saver course (provides CPR & AED training for helping those in need.) Thanks to @ChagrinValleyFD for support and training! #ThisIsChagrin