A wave of positivity and community swept Chagrin Falls Intermediate School (CFIS) during their annual Kindness Week celebration February 12-15. At the February 21 Board of Education meeting, CFIS Student Council representatives shared highlights from the uplifting festivities.
"During Kindness Week we had a school-wide Spirit Week encouraging everyone's participation," said sixth grader Dylan Nelson. "Every morning, Principal Mr. Curtis Howell would award the Tiger Pride Spirit Stick to the class showing the most spirit."
One activity had students anonymously writing encouraging notes that were placed in teachers' mailboxes. "It was fun to brighten their day with nice messages!" said fifth grader Avery Ellis. Students also played Kindness Bingo at lunch, marking acts of kindness. "We marked the kind things we did for others that week," explained Ellis.
Classes decorated hallway doors with inspiring messages like “We Stick Together” with customized marshmallows. "Each door had participation from every student,” said fourth grader Ellie Sheridan. “The marshmallow door was the winner!"
In guidance class, students wrote inspirational notes with artwork to uplift peers. “Every CFIS student found a personalized note on their locker,” said sixth grader Payton Felder.
Outside school, students tracked good deeds using Kindness Logs. ”I argued less with my brother - that was on my log!” shared fourth grader Dean Kosteas.
From dances to decorated doors, CFIS students embraced the chance to spread more compassion throughout their community and enjoyed sharing their successful Kindness Week with the Board members, administrators, and community members.
"Having true, real life learning experiences for students is something we work hard to provide at CFIS,” said Principal Curtis Howell. “Watching students take ownership of something like Kindness Week shows that it's a topic they value. These are the types of small events that can lead to positive, systemic change!"