Kate Quinn, a 12th grader at Chagrin Falls High School, has been selected to serve on the Ohio Attorney General Office’s 2023-24 Teen Ambassador Board. She applied to be a part of this group back in June 2023, as she was inspired to take an interest in politics and have an active voice in government through her experience in Ms. Corinne Lashley's AP Government class last school year.
Service on the Teen Ambassador Board yields an opportunity to meet students from across Ohio who are interested in law and government and work with them to solve problems and provide suggestions to the Attorney General’s Office on vital issues facing the state. Quinn will have the opportunity to learn about the Attorney General’s office, meet and interact with government officials, work in groups on key initiatives, and discuss issues of importance to Ohio citizens. She will be participating in events throughout the year that the Governor’s office will conduct across the state.
In previous years, the Board met with the Ohio Attorney General, members of the Ohio Senate and House of Representatives, toured the Ohio Supreme Court and met with Supreme Court Justices, and spoke with senior administrative staff, employees, and BCI scientists of the Attorney General’s Office. Applicants selected will serve a one-year term and convene twice in Columbus during their tenure on the Board.